A needed feature missing from iCal
By GortBuilder
Works as advertised. The only downside is that it is for one year at a time and no prorating for buying in the middle of a year - took off one star. Will have to remember to buy again each December 31st. Apple should have included this one from the start.
quick and easy
By caroline walt
A few clicks and the major holidays were on my ical! Thanks
Fantastic App
By Tundramunky
This is fantastic and simple. It took less than two minutes to download, open and save the year 2012 to iCal. With the email button I sent it to myself, it arrived as iCal for Mac and PC and it was imported to the calendar of my selection with no issues. I now have every calendar holiday in the US, Canada and the UK. Thanks.
So far so good
By aramethius
It was exactly what I was looking for. I started the app, it displayed this year's holidays, and then I sent it to ical via email. Then I synced my iphone and all the holidays appeared on my calendar.