
  • Category:
  • Release Date:
  • Current Version:
  • Adult Rating:
  • File Size: 0 bytes
  • Developer:
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS




  • A needed feature missing from iCal

    By GortBuilder
    Works as advertised. The only downside is that it is for one year at a time and no prorating for buying in the middle of a year - took off one star. Will have to remember to buy again each December 31st. Apple should have included this one from the start.
  • quick and easy

    By caroline walt
    A few clicks and the major holidays were on my ical! Thanks
  • Fantastic App

    By Tundramunky
    This is fantastic and simple. It took less than two minutes to download, open and save the year 2012 to iCal. With the email button I sent it to myself, it arrived as iCal for Mac and PC and it was imported to the calendar of my selection with no issues. I now have every calendar holiday in the US, Canada and the UK. Thanks.
  • So far so good

    By aramethius
    It was exactly what I was looking for. I started the app, it displayed this year's holidays, and then I sent it to ical via email. Then I synced my iphone and all the holidays appeared on my calendar.
