
  • Category:
  • Release Date:
  • Current Version:
  • Adult Rating:
  • File Size: 0 bytes
  • Developer:
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS




  • junk

    By pbtk
    wish i had read the reviews before i clicked buy
  • Do not buy. I want my money back!

    By afsec9
    Shame on Apple for allowing this junk on the iTunes store and ripping people off from their money. This app never worked one second.
  • This app is broken and the website is down.

    By JD in Boston
    I just paid $2 for this app and it’s a COMPLETE BUST!! The app is nothing but a web browser that calls this guy’s website, which is completely down. The only thing that works is the home page. I bought this app because it promised German radion stations and seemed to have been developed by a German. I’ve never had to ask for a refund for an app before, but I will be trying to find out how this time. I suspect an amatuer or teenager wrote this. Not a professional developer.
  • Rip off

    By Tsmithjenkins
    app doesn’t work
  • Must be someone's first app!

    By Omnikey
    This app is erratic, frequently hangs, and barely functions. The imput controls are very un-maclike, and difficult to use, when they work at all. Don't Buy!!!!
  • Simple app which gets the job done

    By sbrunner
    You can search stations by full text or by country. There is no search function per city or region and only 16 countries can be selected. I cannot attest to the quality of the station database. I assume that the author is not maintaining it him or herself. The stations I tried all worked. For what it is, it gets the job done.
  • Doesn

    By taipan3209
    Most stations don't play on Mac OS X 10.6.8. Constantly says "Loading". Nothing happens.
  • rip off

    By Kenn tuckky
    the ting doesnt work at all. wanted to listen not look at the types of radio stations. doesnt stream its just a wikipedia list of radio stations. uselesssss!!!!
  • Waste of Money

    By Michievin22
    Not all the channels are there. It's a total waste of money sooooo dont buy! Tnx
