sqsl Lottery

sqsl Lottery

By Michal Macura

  • Category: Music
  • Release Date: 2024-02-21
  • Current Version: 1.1
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 4.28 MB
  • Developer: Michal Macura
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 15.4


sqsl Lottery is a "weighted probability matrix MIDI note sequencer". Parameters/probability-defined sequence There are 5 parameters used to generate notes: KEY (semitone), OCT (octave), VEL (velocity), TIME (including mutes), and CH (MIDI channel). For every parameter, there is a matrix where columns represent values, and “buttons” in columns represent possible destination values. The current value is indicated by a colored-highlighted column background. The value that will follow (after the current value) will be selected from activated destinations/buttons in the current column. For example: for the KEY/semitone parameter (C, C#, D, D#…), there are 1 + 12 columns, each containing 12 buttons. The first column (C) defines “what will happen after the C note is played”. If buttons E and F are activated in the first column, after the C note, the sequence will progress to note E or F. Each button/key has its probability “strength” = likeness that it will be the selected destination. The probability strength is indicated by brightness and is set by tapping on a button. The actual strength value is decided randomly when tapped and can be continuously changed by the PHASE touch strip. PHASE affects all probabilities in the current parameter’s matrix, so PHASE changes result in new probability routes. In case there are no destinations selected in the current column (all buttons have a probability of 0), the sequence will advance to the OFF-labelled column on the left (and no note will be played). If there is only one button activated (set to have a probability higher than 0), it will be the chosen destination regardless of its value. A dot is drawn in the middle of the button if its probability value is higher than 0 (to differentiate 0 from a low value). 5 Parallel voices There are 5 voices, each of which can produce one note at a time. Voices share probability settings for KEY, OCT, VEL, TIME, and CH parameters. Voices have separate direct control for clock density, clock division, swing, gate length, octave offset, MIDI channel offset, and semitone transposition. Matrix remapping Main parameters (key, octave, velocity, time, channel) can be “remapped” - for example, by default, the first column of the key matrix represents the C value, but it can be mapped to any other semitone. This allows changing the resulting note patterns without the necessity to rearrange the probability matrix. Mapping can be brought to its default state using the CLEAR button. Clock There is global clock rate control that affects the main tempo. Each voice has its clock division, clock density, swing, and gate length settings. Tempo, playback start, and stop can also be sent to a MIDI destination. Presets There are 8 pages, each with 96 slots for storing the current state (presets). Presets can be saved and loaded while the sequencer is running. Notes: - sqsl Lottery does not produce sounds/audio on its own. - sqsl Lottery is a standalone app sending out only MIDI notes (and optionally MIDI clock messages). For more information, visit: https://www.seqsual.com/lottery

