TaxCaster: Tax Calculator

TaxCaster: Tax Calculator

By Intuit Inc.

  • Category: Finance
  • Release Date: 2009-12-18
  • Current Version: 16.0.2
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 10.15 MB
  • Developer: Intuit Inc.
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 16.0
Score: 3.55876
From 485 Ratings


This interactive, free tax refund calculator provides quick, accurate insights into how much you will get back or owe this year. It's easy. Just enter some basic info and watch your refund add up. KEY FEATURES • Up-to-date: Updated to 2024 tax laws for an accurate tax refund estimate. • Know your taxes: Use an estimate from the federal income tax calculator to get a quick read on your taxes before you prepare your tax return. • Plan ahead: Run scenarios on life events like getting married, having a baby or buying a home. Adjust your paycheck withholdings so you take home more money or plan ahead so you pay less tax. • TaxCaster en Español: If your device language is set to Spanish, the app will default to the Spanish setting. You can also override the default/change the language in the app settings. • Family of apps: Navigation drawer that lets you easily switch to other Intuit apps: TurboTax, Mint and ItsDeductible. • NOTE: TaxCaster doesn't prepare your taxes. You can use it to estimate your taxes, and then use TurboTax to prepare and file your taxes. To learn how Intuit protects your privacy, please visit:



  • Quick and accurate

    By Hvhngiįvgd jim jung
    Love the app! It has always been on point and matched to what I am actually getting back and it only takes 2 minutes to do. Easy and reliable for those who do the easy form and want to know what they are getting back ahead of time.
  • Incorrect Tax %

    By Sweetestone62
    The actual tax % is different than the actual turbotax filing. On taxcaster based on my info it used a 12% tax rate versus a 13.8% when actually filing. So Taxcaster projects a higher return than what is actually available.
  • Incorrect information

    By Mrgoodbar12214
    HOH SD is not $16,100 with 2 child dependent ($22,500) and the Childcare payments are not subtracting from the tax liability.
  • Tax calculator

    By Js7781
    Tax calculations for 2024 are materially different from AARP calculations AND IRS worksheet(Qualified Dividends and Capital Gains Worksheet)
  • Is this a joke?

    By Wylie_Coyote_1
    Do you perform any testing on these updates? Your math is wrong. ‘Total Federal Tax’ - ‘Payments/Withholdings’ = ‘XXX (Wrong Value)’
  • Recent update is not calculating correctly

    By Oliveoyl44
    Please fix the 2024 update.
  • Total Federal Tax in Review

    By GTandRT
    In addition to the dividend issue it also seems to be not properly recording the total federal tax in the review section. I am guessing the total tax due is accurate? My work around for qualified dividends is to add them to long term capital gains. Always had to add non qualified dividends to the interest section anyway but maybe next year you could add another line to enter them?
  • Dividend income causing taxes to go down

    By Brettbcn
    This has been an amazing 5 star app for over a decade. I have referred it to many of my friends. HOWEVER- the 1 star review is just my attempt to alert the developers that the most recent version has a SERIOUS ISSUE with respect to handling of dividend income. The more dividend income I put in the lower my taxes become. I’m not sure which “update” caused this blow but it seems to be a very recent issue. I have relied on this app to estimate my taxes for the past 10+ years and it has been absolutely amazing. I would happily pay for this app if it is working properly. It’s that good. But right now it has a SERIOUS ISSUE and this appears to be with how it is handling dividend income. The more dividend income I report the lower my taxes become. Developers PLEASE FIX THIS bizarre bug and thank you for what has been an incredible app.
  • Update broken

    By Fritz McAllenton
    The 2024 update doesn’t work. I put in four categories of income, and it does not include all of them in telling my total income and tax liability. In addition, it’s very difficult to enter data in certain fields. You can only enter one digit, or cut and paste multi digit amounts into the field. But you can’t enterany quantity greater than nine dollars by typing it in directly.
  • Dec update 2024 👎🏻

    By Hopeful111
    Update is giving completely wrong numbers! Hope it is fixed soon!!
