Faithlife TV

Faithlife TV

By Faithlife Corporation

  • Category: Entertainment
  • Release Date: 2015-10-29
  • Current Version: 2.5.2
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 98.63 MB
  • Developer: Faithlife Corporation
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 9.0
Score: 4.28125
From 32 Ratings


Watch the Bible come alive, anytime, anywhere. Stream Bible study video, family entertainment, and community content from your church to your phone, tablet, or TV. Free channels: * Faithlife TV Live is designed around short segments of sound teaching and interesting discussions about the Bible. The rotating selection includes segments from Logos Mobile Education, a seminary-level program featuring professors from schools like Wheaton College, Calvin Theological Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, and many others. Other segments include Bible character studies, book discussions, and even animated Bible verse art. * Bible Screen is non-stop Bible verse art and animations. Designed to work with or without sound, Bible Screen is great as a screensaver and as a source of all-day inspiration. Faithlife TV is also available on Apple TV.



  • Great in theory, not in reality

    By Revtrin
    I love the concept of FaithlifeTV. But it doesn’t work well. The first documentary I purchased I didn’t know where to go to find the film, when I did find the film it added to my watchlist but it wouldn’t play. I eventually had to call support and I still don’t understand how this platform is supposed to work. There should be a store link from the app and a browse function. I can only browse from Safari on my iPhone, not in the app. Today I was trying to find a certain film. I searched several different ways in the app and it didn’t pull up. I had to go to Safari. I found the film and added it to my watchlist. Still nothing. I logged into and found the option to purchase the DVD. Long story short I stumbled onto a link to Faithlife Plus at and then it played. I have no idea how this was designed to work but it is not intuitive at all. That’s Logos in general. They have great content, great resources but you need a degree to figure out how to use anything they produce. As a pastor who uses multiple Logos products on a near daily basis it is really frustrating. You shouldn’t have to take classes or watch tutorials or google a problem to be able to use a product. FaithlifeTV is at the bottom of the list of usable products from Logos. Again I love the idea, but it’s not designed well and it’s not easy to use. For me it’s worth the trouble because I need the information, but most people will move on to another method. The film I was looking for is available at Amazon and I made the purchase there. I’m hopeful they will make significant improvements in the future but right now it’s absolutely not worth it.
  • Help!!

    By help 🙏
    How do I get this on my smart tv. When I’m watching in my phone the transfer button to my smart tv won’t work.
  • I like...

    By _craig
    ...but it’s slow and a bit buggy
  • Great app but...

    By *Drewski83*
    ...missing the cast option is what prevents me from using it often. Would love to cast Luther and Calvinist on the tv for get togethers. Hopefully it will be on a sooner then later future update!
  • Much to enjoy and benefit from.

    By ODenton56
    The Video Bible is great. I enjoy the Bible studies. The content keeps getting better.
  • There are many of us with "CHROMECAST!"

    By Yashua2
    Although we own a "Smart TV," we invested years ago in a "ChromeCast" HDMI Dongul. The selections available come up shy of Christian media and entertainment, education and documentaries that are Biblically based. With the directives Faith TV has, it would serve an additional segment of our society, so in need of establishing His Word and Salvation to an American populace run amuck with all the humanism that floods the digital world. As for myself and my family, I see it as another tool to share the Good News of G-d's Loving Covenant of Salvation with the watching world. Thank you for all your efforts in spreading the Gospel to so many. Robert Casey...Shalom ✝🔯
  • Great app...although...

    By Acvine
    I love the idea of being able to view videos from my iPhone. However, can you please upgrade app to have ability to cast video (using Google Chromecast) to my TV so we can all enjoy it instead of just myself holding a little iPhone. That would be fantastic!
