FP Notebook

FP Notebook

By Atmosphere Apps, Inc.

  • Category: Medical
  • Release Date: 2014-06-11
  • Current Version:
  • Adult Rating: 17+
  • File Size: 252.20 MB
  • Developer: Atmosphere Apps, Inc.
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 14.3
Score: 4.84861
From 2,814 Ratings


Family Practice Notebook is a rapid access, point-of-care medical reference for primary care and emergency clinicians. Started in 1995, this collection now contains over 6100 interlinked topic pages divided into a tree of 31 specialty books and over 700 chapters. FP Notebook’s content is updated monthly with systematic literature reviews and conferences. Please purchase an auto-renewing subscription to receive the latest content. The text content for this mobile application is identical to its online counterparts: fpnotebook.com and fpnotebook.com/mobile. Although access to this application is not restricted, the information found here is intended for use by medical providers. Non-clinical users may find the material challenging to understand, and should address specific medical concerns with their medical providers. Try before you buy with a 14-day FREE trial. After that it's only $24.99/year for access, including continuous content updates. Privacy Policy/Terms & Conditions - http://www.fpnotebook.com/disclaimer.htm



  • Still the best after 20+ years of using it

    By JwoodBooQRS
    Amazing, very succinct, very well thought out
  • Simply Incredible

    By kermitZ
    I have been using FP notebook for years since hearing about it during residency. It’s the work of one physician and it’s incredible the effort that is put into condensing complex topics while including clinical pearls.
  • My hero

    By loubarto
    Scott Moses is my hero. When I was struggling to come up with plans quickly in my 3rd year of medical school internal medicine rounds at University of Washington - FPN came into my life and changed my academic trajectory. Peers wanted to know my secret and attendings said I was obviously reading more and putting in the extra work after hours. FPN carried me through residency and and into my career as a rural doc on the Alaska Kenai Peninsula doing inpatient medicine, ER, endoscopy, and clinical medicine. I admire the man and his work so much, I wrote him a personal email to thank him and he wrote me back and told me to keep an eye out for “cobwebs in the corners” and let him know if I found any! I have been using FPN since 2015 and I can tell you I haven’t. I frequently use UpToDate, Epocrates, and other resources for complex medical cases or questions and in the end FPN is always current and accurate in my broad scope of practice. Not to mention, way faster and easier to use as pocket guide. Whether searching symptoms or medical problems, FPN has an incredibly slick, collapsible, terse format including etiologies, differential diagnosis, workup, and treatment plan. Cheers to you Scott Moses and thank you for this glorious medical repository you have created. Louis Bartoletti, MD
  • FP Notebook

    By Mmbeiruti
    I have this App in iOS 9 which was working great; however it requests subscription in iOS 16, iPad 16 Really I get disappointed for this change!!!???.. Hopefully you will make free of charge for all people who got this App, long time before. Best wishes
  • An excellent Evidence-Based clinical app for all almost all of my FNP questions and answers.

    By Leila Ellen
    app when I was an FNP student and never stop using it in clinic d the app when I was an FNP student and never stop using it in clinic

    By jahsjsbsjusbsixjsbzushs
    THIS APP IS GOLD. I started as a new NP at an urgent care clinic where I was the only provider. This app saved me time and time again. Fast forward a few years, and this is still my go to. Through my organization, I have access to epocrates, Up to Date, Lexicom, and the NP notebook is still the one I reference more than any other. I literally use it everyday that I work. I like that the guidelines and recommendations are updated throughout the year to reflect the most current best practices. I wouldn’t have survived without this app. The price is a steal and the information is invaluable. I recommend this app to all new NPs (and seasoned) bc the information is current, concise, and backed by scholarly journals.
  • Awesome!

    By KANDI628
    Awesome info. Easy to obtain and straight to the point ! Can’t do without it! Thank you all for your hard work and research!
  • Diagnostic testing and treatment

    By Coupon Queen Nana
    Can’t imagine having a better tool that is always current.
  • useless search engine

    By david hill d.o.
    Useless search engine. Worked well using Google as a front end search engine. For example, seach for "peds uti", which worked through google as did all other partial searches. But, the built in search function is useless.
  • Perfect

    By Jhene0731
    I love this app. I recommend it to any new person or season person in their profession. It’s nice to have a quick bulletin to reference from. I use it for quick reference when I’m busy and then later read Up-To-Date for evidence base rational.
