Army Chess  King

Army Chess King

By Shen Zhongyuan

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2014-04-24
  • Current Version: 11.2
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 19.36 MB
  • Developer: Shen Zhongyuan
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 10.0
Score: 2
From 1 Ratings


Only 10% of the players can win "Army Chess King"! =============================== In-App-Demo helps you to know how to play! Introduction: Army Chess is a two-player board game that simulates army wars. It is a traditional and popular game, and thousands of millions of people are playing this game every day. Army Chess differs from the international chess game, on the following four aspects. 1. Layout of chess piece is changeable, rather than fixed. 2. Moving rules depend on positions, rather than on chess pieces themselves. 3. Attacking results depend on ranks, rather than on who starts the attack. 4. Game type can be "Hidden Rank" or “Visible Rank”, rather than the latter only. Because of these differences, Army Chess requires more strategies and can become more interesting. Main Features: (Game mode) Human-CPU game (Game types) Visible Rank Hidden Rank (Game) Playback Demo(CPU-CPU) Undo Live(WeChat) (Options) Move Firstly(Me, CPU) Handicap Number(Visible type:0-10, Hidden type:0-25) Layout(Manual,Random) Draw Conditions(Moves, Repetition) (Tools) Tool (Import and Save for layout and game) Scores (Current game, History game) Leaderboards Points in $ and Assistant Points in ¥ (Others) Social network service(WeChat, QQ, Weibo, Facebook, Twitter, EMail) Multi-languages for chess pieces(Chinese,English,Japanese, Weapon images, Rank badges) User Feedback Some Rules: Each side has 25 chess pieces of 12 different ranks (1-9, A, B, and C). Rank 1 is the highest and can defeat all other lower-rank chess pieces, and so on. Chess Piece of A is Army Flag. Losing this chess piece loses the game. Chess Piece of B is Bomb. It can remove all kinds of chess pieces including itself. Chess Piece of C is Castle. None chess piece can defeat it except the chess piece of Engineer (Rank 9) or Bomb. Only the chess piece of Engineer can fly. =============================== Chinese Description =============================== ◉《军棋小霸王》是有史以来最强的军棋游戏,只有10%的玩家赢过! ◉如果你选择了明棋,你当然输得明明白白;如果选择了暗棋,也不会让你输得不明不白! ◉不要犹豫,请赶快下载! 军棋小霸王,陪你玩军棋。 主要功能: 人机对战 明棋,暗棋 (游戏) 实况转播(微信) 回放 演示(计算机对战) 悔棋 (选项) 先手(自己,计算机) 让子(明棋0-10个,暗棋0-25个) 布阵(手动,随机) 更改和棋条件(闲棋步数,重复次数) (工具) 工具(布阵存取,游戏存取) 成绩(当前游戏,历史游戏,游戏中心) 排行榜(总胜数,总战数,连胜数,总得分,平均得分,最高得分,辅助积分) 计分(美元$和辅助积分¥) (其它) 分享圈(微信, QQ, 新浪微博,腾讯微博,推特,脸谱,邮件) 分享项目(单项成绩,全部成绩,截屏,实况,游戏) 多语言(中文,英语,日语,繁体,武器配图,等级徽章) 用户反馈 =============================== 不知道如何玩军棋吗?请先看一遍“演示游戏”

