Currency Converter ‧

Currency Converter ‧

By Simple Simple

  • Category: Travel
  • Release Date: 2013-04-16
  • Current Version: 2.4.1
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 58.30 MB
  • Developer: Simple Simple
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 15
Score: 4.75806
From 3,348 Ratings


Currency is a simple currency converter for travelers. Hold the world in your hands, with over 160 currencies to convert between. You’ll always be up to date, whether you're connected to the internet or lost deep in the Amazon. Features - Currency converter - Calculator - Dark mode - Watch app - Exchange rate widget - Offline mode - Historical charts - Simple gesture based design View 5 years of exchange rate data that updates live. Over 160 currencies - Convert between dollars, Japanese yen, Mexican pesos, British pounds, euro, yuan, gold, and more - USD, JPY, AUD, AUS, CAD, GBP, XE, XAU, MXN, CHF, CNY and more Reviews “Currency converters don’t get much prettier than this” - FastCo Design “Currency looks gorgeous, and is super-simple to use.” - Cult of Mac Read our terms, conditions and privacy: &



  • Widget is a must!

    By Pudongski
    It’s ok not to include iPad version but WIDGET! It’s 2024 already. I hope soon.
  • The new UX design is awful

    By Thorpe.Lau
    I used to really like your app and thought it was the best currency conversion app on the mobile platform until you changed the UX design. Previously, it was quick to specify and switch between main currencies, and to rearrange the order of currencies. Now, it requires additional steps, which is very inconvenient for those who need to frequently compare prices. Additionally, it used to be possible to quickly add and search for currencies by simply pulling down, but now it requires switching to a new tab, which is unnecessary and inconvenient. I hope you can revert to the original layout or provide us with an option to choose ourselves.
  • Service Co.

    By Us euro
    Euro and USA dollar trading are also expected
  • Solid

    By Almost_British
    Does exactly what it's supposed to do, no fluff no filler. My only gripe is the widget could be smaller, other than that this app is perfect for what it does
  • Good

    By AzmathR
    Can you also make an app for commodities?
  • new update is so bad.

    By anthonyv963
    i loved the old version. simple and easy to understand. after the new update, there are so many complications. After awhile, it can get pretty frustrating.
  • Update destroyed the app

    By Sionnachfox
    It's all about the money now. Now subscription based and the old clean design is gone.
  • Update: fixed - New version conveniently forgets I’ve already paid for this app

    By rolleix
    Update: the developer fixed the issue. Updated the rating. Thanks. This app used to be a one-time (lifetime) purchase app with a list of all currencies that you can use. I’ve paid for that app. It worked fine, I did not expect any updates. As of today, the app I paid for is replaced by this ‘update’ to a brand new but worse app, and I am downgraded to the free plan. The free plan has limitations my previous paid purchase did not. Adding insult to injury, the app contains a ‘lifetime’ purchase option. The problem is, I’ve already paid for my lifetime purchase once before. They did not retain my previous lifetime purchase, and there is now a different, new ‘lifetime’ purchase option with no acknowledgement anywhere that I have already paid. What proof does anybody even have that their ‘lifetime purchase ’ won’t go ‘poof’ like my first lifetime? It is a trivial amount of work to move the previously paid people into the new lifetime tier, which is the best practice for good apps in the App Store. But that’d make them less money and wouldn’t allow them to double dip their hands into the cookie jar, so the app conveniently forgets. My recommendation would be to avoid any app made by these people because no one can guarantee your payment will not be conveniently forgotten like mine did. There are a million currency apps out there, and about the entire million of them are more deserving of your money, should you choose to spend it, than this one.
  • Thanks for the fix

    By northandsouth
    UPDATE TO MY PREVIOUS REVIEW! Thank you for the fix to the issue with the app not recognizing my previous purchase! It is now working with no limitations and is as good as it always has been.
  • New 2.0 upgrade…

    By Neo613
    Still getting used to the new app. I still prefer the old UI, but the new one is workable. Initially it converted my app from paid (long ago) to requiring upgrade, but the developer fixed it and restored purchase for me within 6 hours of emailing them, which is a pretty awesome response time.
