XML Nanny

XML Nanny

By Celestial Teapot Software


XML Nanny is a Developer Tool that allows you to Validate XML and XHTML documents locally or over the web. FEATURES: • Parse either local XML files or files on a web server using HTTP. In the "Source" text field specify either a local file path or an HTTP URL. • Checks for XML Well-Formedness errors. Errors are reported in an attractive graphical list. • Checks for XML Validation errors, with support for many popular Schema Validation types: DTD (internal or external), XML Schema (XSD), RELAX NG (XML syntax only), and Schematron. Validation errors are reported in an attractive graphical list. • Schematron 1.5 Support. Validate XML documents against Schematron schemas with assertions, reports, pattern tests, and diagnostic information reported through the XML Nanny UI. • Verbose Parsing mode provides more instance document/DTD details through the UI... kinda like a visual SAX parser. • Each XML Nanny window is a Mac OS X "Document" which may be saved as a ".xmlnanny" file and reopened later. Set up an XML Nanny window with your parse settings and save them to disk for later use. • Double-clicking errors in XML Nanny's results list UI opens the source document in your preferred Text Editor (this can be set in the Preferences Window). Some Text Editors (TextMate, BBEdit, TextWrangler) will even highlight the line in which the error occurs. Mime-type and encoding values sent to XML Nanny from a web server via HTTP headers are now reported. • XML Namespace setting allows you to parse with namespaces on or off. • Full-Constraint Check setting for XSD parsing. • XML Catalog support. In the main menu select "Window → Show XML Catalog Window". In the window that appears you can specify local custom DTDs via PUBLIC or SYSTEM identifiers. These DTDs will then override matching DTDs specified in XML documents in all subsequent Validation. • All Parsing and Validation is done libxml2 except for Schematron, which is partially handled by the Schematron 1.5 XSLT reference implementation.



  • Excellent Validator

    By Stee-rider
    All this does is validate. It’s not an editor. But that one thing it does, it does very well. If you have a definition document, it will validate against that; if you don’t it will simply check your XML for well-formedness. It handles all four main definition document types, (including two lesser known ones.) Just what I needed.
  • Borks URLs

    By CDM Personal Mac Acct
    I have a MAMP PHP server that is serving dynamic XSD docs. That means that they use PHP to supply stuff like the namespace (it's a dynamic schema). That also means that I would like to be able to enter a URI in the schema field, like so: http://localhost/xsd/TestSchema.php Unfortunately, the app renders the URI like so: http:/localhost/xsd/TestSchema.php <- NOTE: Missing second forward-slash in "http://". That means that I can't do dynamic network schema validation, and have to save the rendered schema document, then validate against that. I guess that you get what you pay for...
  • Waste of money

    This is usless if you need to find a section in a long XML, all it seems to do is validate the XML. The Text Edit app that comes with your Mac is a far better tool to review the XML and find specific elements and ennumerations.
  • Great for validating xml against schema and DTD

    By snowguy11
    If you need to validate xml files for integrity, or against a schema or DTD this tool is great. If your looking to do something else, then this isn't what you need.
  • Junk!

    By GAPas
    It's a piece of junk. Doesn't seem to be well maintained. "Printing" does nothing. Don't waste your time.
  • Very helpful, did a better job than tidy! (Needs retina support)

    By Extravascular
    I was having some problems geting some xml going in php with explode. I set up tidy on the server to see if that would help but it only resulted in xml being formatted differently and php was still dying on explode. Enter Nanny. I found the offending xml and threw it at Nanny and it told me exactly what was wrong. Now I know what needs to be stripped and can do so before explode. My only request: Retina support.
  • Disappointed

    By Dan in IN
    I was expecting to be able to collapse nodes of the XML in this tool. It does not do that. The screen shots made it appear like it would.
  • Unfortunately, not as helpful as I imagined...

    By An 'above the average' User
    I had greater expectations for this app. I imagine I would be able to put the XML, the XSD, see where the validation didn't go well and be able to edit the file and fix it inside the software, but that's not possible. The software will only validate and show me line numbers and mistakes then I have to correct it in an external editor and reparse the file. If you already have some IDE you'll probably have this functionality there (as I have in Visual Studio).
  • Easy To Use

    By All good nicknames are taken, I mean really
    I am an XML student and have to validate my homework. With little to no experience doing this, XML Nanny showed me my errors in a clear way, I fixed them, and my homework is done. Validation has been made easy with this app.
  • Awesome App!

    By Kanna four
    This little tool helped me a lot with XML based API integration. Does exactly what it says it does.
