By Editora el Sol

  • Category: News
  • Release Date: 2009-07-23
  • Current Version: 5.8.11
  • Adult Rating: 9+
  • File Size: 86.50 MB
  • Developer: Editora el Sol
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 15.0


Stay well informed wherever you are. Enjoy GRUPO REFORMA's independent journalism with MURAL's specially designed app for your iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. • Enjoy all MURAL's content on this app designed specially for you. • All our Video content is available in one place with completely free access. There you'll find all the most relevant news on video presented by section and you'll also be able to easily find episodes of your favorite programs. • In the Favoritos (Favorites) section you can keep the articles or slide shows you're interested in. • In the Escuchar Notas (Listen to Articles ) module you can keep up to date even if you're driving or exercising, just by choosing the content that interests you. • All our historical content will always be within your reach. Use the search tab and find all past articles, photos and videos as well as the opinions of your favorite op-ed columnist. • Keep up with the latest developments with the Breaking News service. Choose the topic that interests you, create an alert by choosing a word and we'll automatically let you know when we publish new information so you can read it straight away. • Check out the full-size slide shows and enjoy them to the full with your retina display. • Consult our Edición Impresa (Printed Edition) in digital format updated for you from 5:00 am. You can easily access all our sections and special supplements there. • Find all available multimedia content directly right there, in the printed edition of each publication. • Join the conversation: read other people's comments and participate with your own opinion on the topics that interest you. • Share all the content on your Social Networks and WhatsApp. Encourage your friends and relatives to stay in the loop too. • Choose your favorite section in the new notification center Widget and easily read the headlines without opening the app. Apple Watch: • Keep up to date via Apple Watch by reading the main headlines of the latest news. • Stay alert using the face of your watch: configure the app in 'complications'. • Enjoy the Breaking News feature without using your iPhone. • Delve deeper into a news story by using Handoff to keep reading on your iPhone, or save it directly in your favorites.   Download our application now and enjoy its constant improvements. MURAL is free for a limited time, at the end you will have several subscription options. iTunes subscription options: • $5.99 USD weekly, $20.99 USD monthly or $179.99 USD annually. • Access from 4 different devices when creating your account. • Your iTunes account will be charged and renewed automatically (cancellations valid 24 hours ahead of automatic payment date). • You can manage your subscription through iTunes and cancel automatic payment in Settings/Configuration. • Free trial only for new subscribers, days depend on the period of the subscription. At the time of subscription, the remaining trial days are canceled. Privacy Policy Terms of Use



  • Codos...caveza hueca!

    By Wuppsy
    Todo estaba tan bien asta que se les ocurrio cobrar!!
  • FGA

    Basura llena de publicidad
  • Rip off!!!!

    By María de tomasa
    NO DESCARGAR !!!!!!! Exageran con lo precios. Muy buen periodico sin embargo El contenido no vale lo que quieren cobrar. Un usuario de hace mas de 2 años y comienza a cobrar ahorita! Además q no cobran por medio de AppStore hahahah no les conviene.
  • Ok while free..

    By Vcghh12
    Pero ya tengo que pagarla, debería costar 1 dólar por semana y estoy seguro que mucha gente la cómpraria... No se porque a reforma no se le prende el foco aveces.
  • Como hechar a perder una aplicación.

    By J@¥x
    Primero crea una excelente aplicación, después espera a tener miles de seguidores y por último anuncia la GENIAL idea de que a partir del día de hoy cobrarás por el servicio. Con eso sin duda le darás en la torre a tu apliación y a todo lo que habías ganado. NO HAY FALLA.!!
  • Poca imaginación

    By jpn39
    A quien se le ocurre? , mas caro que el Daily o FT , y no es del otro mundo Quien quiere pagar por una aplicación electrónica con el costo de un periódico impreso? para que ? Costo debería de ser 0.99 Dlls/semana
  • Lástima

    By versantos
    Cuando era gratis era Buena aunque te retacaban de anuncios se entendía que era su forma de financiamiento. Sin embargo ahora hay que pagar mucho por Tenerla. Es muy cara. Procedo a borrar la app. Buena suerte y gracias por el tiempo q pudimos accesarla.
  • Adios

    By ArchitectFromTheMatrix
    Gracias por el tiempo que fue gratis, espero sobrevivan cobrando. Desinstalando...
  • que poca

    lastima que empesaron a cobrar muy mala idea
  • Lástima!!!

    By Istelo
    Nos mantenía informados a los que estamos fuera de nuestro país y decidieron cobrar... but seriously, who's gonna pay like 200 dls at year for this info????... NOBODY! Thank u Mural for ruin it!
