Monster Park - AR Dino World

Monster Park - AR Dino World

By Vito Technology Inc.

  • Category: Education
  • Release Date: 2017-09-19
  • Current Version: 1.9.1
  • Adult Rating: 9+
  • File Size: 239.69 MB
  • Developer: Vito Technology Inc.
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 11.0
Score: 4.53437
From 10,792 Ratings


Would you like to take a hilarious photo or make a video with dinosaurs, those who ruled the Earth long time ago? Ever played with huge monsters in your living room, backyard or in the city center? ◆ Monster Park - AR Dino World ◆ is a new augmented reality game that allows you to observe and rule incredibly lifelike dinosaurs and other horrible creatures with your device’s camera. Take a look at monsters in real size, bring them into your world, walk together, take cool photos and record videos to wow your friends. Charming and mysterious giants immerse you in an augmented reality gaming environment. ARKit with precise tracking and light detection makes this whole experience incredibly powerful and realistic. "It is one of the more compelling visual experiences available using ARkit tech right now." - "The game itself deserves quite a prominence and frequent mentions as watching a massive 3-dimensional dinosaur moving around the room is quite an enticing experience. It literally gives game players a feeling that they are inside the Jurassic Park itself watching the doings of these huge extinct beasts." - "There's something cool about watching a dinosaur roam around a real-world location, just like you're in Jurassic Park. Everyone loves dinosaurs, but have you ever chilled with one in your living room? This is a great showpiece for how good ARKit can look." - "Monster Park – Dino World is what really excites me about augmented reality: the ability to have crazy things (like dinosaurs) appear right before my very eyes. Although dinosaurs have been extinct for more about 65 million years, this app gives you the chance to walk side-by-side or take pictures with them. Monster Park- Dino World is also a great tool that can teach young kids about dinosaurs!" - With Monster Park enormous dinosaurs and other horrible monsters drop into the real world. Interact with the prehistoric creatures, see them as big as they were in real life, direct and control their movements. Tame your monster, make it follow you, move the direction you like or fall down for a while. Be sure to open a portal and explore the incredible world with its wonderful waterfall and awe-inspiring nature. Play Monster Park with family and friends! Multiple users can interact with each other in the augmented reality world. The app offers a multi-user AR experience for two or more devices. Enjoy out-of-this-world experience together - rule dinosaurs, place the scene, enter the portal and discover the amazing dino park using different devices at the same time. Design your own dinosaur by changing its skin. Experiment with your monster, choose any skin pattern or paint your own. To change the skin of your dino, find the desired texture, point the device’s camera on it and tap ‘scan’. Create a collection of unique monsters! Make funny videos with monsters or create stunning photos, save them to the camera roll or share with friends. How to rule the monster? Place the monster on any flat surface and scale it to be any size. Simply tap anywhere on the display to direct your monster exactly at that point. Hit the monster several times and see what will happen! Key features: ◆ Incredible realistic-looking creatures (Tyrannosaurus rex, Raptor, Pteranodons, Triceratops, Allosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Scolopendra, etc.) in the real world.* ◆ Funny photos and videos to wow your loved ones or play a trick on them. ◆ Placing a portal to the parallel universe. ◆ Control over the monster's movements - make it take the direction you like or just move freely. ◆ Multiplayer game mode to play with friends.** ◆ Сhanging the size of the monster. ◆ Designing your own dino by changing its skin. ◆ Stunning sound effects. *The app contains In-App Purchases. T-Rex is available by default. Other creatures can be purchased, if necessary. **The multiplayer game mode requires iOS 12. Are you ready to let monsters into your world?



  • Why only one dinosaur?

    By Lilyana E.
    Hi I want to write this review because I really love the game but why did you only give one dinosaur available? And then if we want the rest of them we will have to pay. I mean I guess you do have to make money somehow but can you please make it to were we at least have three or four dinosaurs for free. But anyway this is a great game and I love it and I think it we be popular in the future, bye!
  • Good so far but two suggestions

    By Vanginasucker123
    It’s really good quality in terms of the models and movements are! 1. Being able to place more than one dinosaur in a scene 2. Dinosaurs with attack animations on controls Other than that a good game!
  • Cool Dino designs, but why pay to play??? (Plz listen and respond developers)

    By DaCoolDud3s
    I would give this three stars, but the nerve of only letting ONE SINGLE DINOSAUR be playable is just absurd! Also, this whole game seems like “Give us money and we’ll give you more reasons to give us more money!” Like, it’s horrible! 😤 And, also, the whole changing skin thing could have added a bit of happiness, but NOOOOO, you devs to make it a limit! At least open up most of the Dinos, and lock down, like, the centipede and the spider and some Dinos or something! Overall, this game is pretty bad, but the dinosaurs are extremely good! But, I do need a bit more control of the Dinos, for example, you could feed them (for pay of course), or actually interact with them, and they react! But, overall, this game is kinda mid, and I rate it 4.5/10. Do not get if you don’t like pay to win games, but do get if ya got the dough. See ya, and please actually listen to the community’s feedback for once, ok? Ok.😄
  • Cool but how do you do this? Devs pls read

    By Brayden Jiang
    The game is cool but how do make them giant and those things like in the preview ad. Pls tell me and I would gladly give this a 5 stars
  • plz free

    By dndssjsjj
    Make everything free
  • Good game, one issue

    By RayHarv
    Why are all the dinosaurs but one behind a paywall? It’s not that very convient.
  • Freezes a lot

    By cloudchaser2020
    After I bought my 8 plus I put this app on and it worked flawless. After a few updates now running iOS 16.4 that app freezes a lot of times and have to reboot my phone. Please take care of this issue.
  • Locking up. Great app but

    By TGrud
    Keeps locking up on my iphone 11
  • Multiplayer

    By Liam hackler
    How the heck do you prepare the world for friends?
  • Cool

    By slrtlpnestlkrdggcsnr
    Thanks like!
