Mineforge VR

Mineforge VR

By Ammonite Design Studios Ltd

  • Category: Games
  • Release Date: 2017-01-10
  • Current Version: 2.1
  • Adult Rating: 12+
  • File Size: 194.12 MB
  • Developer: Ammonite Design Studios Ltd
  • Compatibility: Android, iOS 12.0
Score: 3.48451
From 1,162 Ratings


Mineforge VR is the world's first FULLY PLAYABLE virtual reality block based mining game for Google Cardboard and other VR headsets! Mineforge is a free block based world-building, crafting and exploration virtual reality game. Some of Mineforge's features: • Mine deep into the planet's surface • Craft your own buildings and structures • Creative mode gameplay • Infinite seeded terrain generation • Varying biomes • Day-night cycle • Gamepad support • All in VR



  • Scary

    By retainment
    When I first joined in the game everything was good but I started to hear screams and even feel like someone who is behind me if you wanna see this play it and if you play you have bad dream
  • Less ads please.

    By BritB11
    I’m so far really enjoying this game, but there are a lot of ads. They also don’t tell you this in the beginning but you to have a controller of some sort to play
  • Awful

    By Wsp-homie
    Number one it turns off automatically/my phone turns off automatically for some reason when in the middle of a game and it has such low quality it’s just unimaginable and I prefer the menu to be lower because it makes my neck hurt having to look up at it and then add a block. It’s really annoying and I prefer it to be lower for me not to have any neck pain or neck disabilities at all but mostly the game is great. I love how how it is set up and how everything looks. I’m just hating the low quality and the ads the ads are the worst. Why did you add the ad it’s so stupid. Why did you add them? It’s so awful. Why do you have to add stupid ads that aren’t even sponsored by you like I would recommend you to sponsor ads that are from you/the creator of this game because it’s better off to at least have a sponsorship instead of having to sponsor other stuff that are getting more credit our review and then after other people are gonna start playing the other games that you just showed them so then after they’ll be off of your games by the time they see a game that they like so I recommend you taking all the ads because it’s better off like like that
  • 🤨

    By qosjvyr
    I do not like the fact that every time you walk it changes the you want to place and there’s no mobs in it but over all this is a pretty good game to play 😏.
  • Amazing proof of concept

    By Anyoneouthere
    You could add features like non-vr mode, faster walking, speech commands, but you didn't. But it's still fantastic that we have a VR minecraft voxel app that works on google cardboard iOS in 2024 at all. Sending thanks from a fellow graphics dev 🤘🏾
  • Nice game!

    By sonic19204839
    There’s just one problem. When I was building a house, while looking down, my neck hurts. Thats not a game problem. But what IS, is that the physics are broken. For those who want a run button, that would mean 2 inputs. You can’t do that with a VR headset. Instead, I suggest fixing the physics, and making the player a bit faster. Good game though, built a decent house. ;)

    By But bunny
    When I try to walk forward, it makes me go to the side and can’t even mine
  • Good game, three things though.

    By ARandomSomebody
    So I got this app yesterday and I like it. But, 1: it needs a run action because it takes a long time to get to a different location. 2: the jumping action needs some work too. As of right now, you go through half of the block but then it lifts you in the air a little bit and then sets you down. I find that it takes more time than it needs to to jump. 3: the way to change what you are holding or to destroy a block is not a good way to do it. Make something like an inventory right next to you, not in the sky where you have to crane your head up to see it. Also with the block-mine menu, you should be able to just click it, not having to hold it for a while because the buttons are very small so it is hard. Other than that, good game and basically just Minecraft for cheap VR headsets! Not too many ads but they are kinda annoying. Thanks for reading this. This review is brutally honest, so don’t worry. Have a blessed day! 😇😊
  • Bad

    By 123hippos123
    Very slow
  • What the heck

    By Pokémoncardsarecool
    I hate how you have to touch the screen to control it
